Cosmetics As Drugs

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines drugs as "articles (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals," and asserts that the FDA "does not have the legal authority to approve cosmetics before they go on the market" and has no standards or regulations that define the terms organic, natural, hypoallergenic, cosmeceutical, alcohol free and cruelty free regarding cosmetics.​ 

Bexi's products do not contain any active ingredients intended to artificially reduce wrinkles, unnaturally boost collagen production, dangerously stimulate cell growth, or in any way affect the structure or function of your body. ​

Quick-acting, age-reversing skincare products promise instantaneous, time-defying results, and frequently, artificially, transitorily and unsustainably, some deliver on that promise, but at what cost? 

This temporary glamour is achieved because active ingredients in the products, most often in chemical forms and at concentrations far higher than would be found anywhere in nature, make structural and functional changes to your skin cells, as do drugs. 

According to the FDA, these products should be defined as drugs, and not cosmetics, but, unlike drugs, these products have not been FDA-approved.  In fact, the FDA relies on consumers to report any adverse reactions to cosmetics.

​Corporations exploit this loophole by mislabelling drugs as cosmetics to avoid expensive and time-consuming clinical trials and review, enabling them to cash in on and/or create new fads, and you, the consumer/research subject pay them to do their beta-testing on you in the marketplace.  

Whenever you buy a skincare product or cosmetic, you are putting your health and safety in the hands of the manufacturer of that product and providing them and, in the case of a class-action lawsuit, the FDA, with the only real research scrutiny the product ever undergoes. 

​In an interview with Reuters, the FDA commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, admitted that fewer than 30 people are regulating a "vast" industry and that it was "a place where we think we can be doing more".

Learn about FDA definitions...